Rejuvapen™ Microneedling

One session  €150


Microneedling is one of the most effective ways to rejuvenate the skin. The treatment works with creating micro wounds in the top layer of the skin, these trigger your body to create NEW elastin and collagen in order to heal.
Rejuvapen™ is a remarkable non-surgical treatment that causes skin to stimulate collagen production and fresh new tissue.
Unlike other Medical Micro Needling devices the Rejuvapen™ can be localised to the areas needed. This means we can focus more on areas such as scars or stagnant lines that need more of a boost!
What can we treat?
• Improves Acne Scarring
• Improves Surgical Scars
• Minimizes Pores
• Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
• Lifts, tightens and rejuvenates skin
• Improves the appearance of stretch marks
• Stimulates collagen for overall skin health
We suggest a series of 4-6 sessions depending on what the treatment is for.
1 session of facial rejuvenation with Rejuvapen™ – €150
Frequently Asked Questions
Can anyone have the treatment?
Although the treatment is safe for all skin types there are certain medical conditions that exclude you from having a treatment. These include; active acne vulgaris, rosacea, active skin infections, raised keloid scars, actinic keratosis and other non-melanoma & melanoma skin cancers, eczema, psoriasis, sebaceous hyperplasia and open wounds. If you suffer from severe cold sores you may wish to take your cold sore medication before each treatment. Your practitioner will discuss with you any health concerns you may have before you commence the treatment.


How does Micro needling work?
The concept of micro needling is not a new Science and dates back to the 1950’s. The idea is based on the skin’s ability to repair itself whenever it encounters physical damage. In this case thousands of minute wounds are created in the skin by highly precise, sterile needles. Immediately after the injury occurs the skin disperses old damaged connective tissue and replaces it with new. RejuvapenTM micro needling allows for controlled induction of the skin’s self-repair mechanism by creating micro “injuries” in the skin which triggers new collagen synthesis yet does not pose the risk of permanent scarring. The result is smoother, firmer and younger looking skin and fainter scars/stretchmarks.


What happens during a treatment?
The whole procedure is normally completed within 60 minutes depending on the required treatment and anatomical site. Your practitioner will explain the treatment, the risks and benefits and will guide you through a full skin consultation before we gain your consent. Before the procedure commences a topical anesthetic (in the form of a cream) is applied to your skin. This numbs your skin and ensures that you are comfortable during the treatment. After the skin is numbed, your practitioner will gently move the RejuvapenTM over your skin to puncture the epidermis layers of the skin and create minute sub-cutaneous injuries. These microscopic wounds close within 3-5 minutes, but that’s enough to stimulate new collagen deposition which may last for up to a year. You may experience some pain, particularly around the sensitive areas of your face such as around the eyes.


What are the side effects? What does my skin look like after a treatment?
After the procedure your skin will show signs of redness or erythema and will appear similar to moderate sunburn. There may be some slight swelling. The redness and swelling will begin to subside 24-48 hours after the treatment. By day 3 the erythema and swelling subside and the skin takes on a pink colour, there is barely any evidence that the procedure has taken place. During the first 3 days you will also experience some skin tightness, dryness and mild sensitivity to touch on the areas that have been treated. This diminishes greatly following the treatment and over the next 2-3 days. Your practitioner will recommend rescue skincare to help soothe and protect the skin and enhance the results. After treatment we always recommend a sunblock.


Does micro needling cause hyperpigmentation?
No, in normal skin, the micro needling procedure does not cause hyperpigmentation as long as the skin is protected against UV rays after the treatment and for the first 7-10 days with a suitable sunblock. Over exposure to UV after microneedling may cause hyperpigmentation, but the risk is small (<3 in 100). However if you have a history of hyperpigmentation you must tell your practitioner before commencing a RejuvapenTM treatment.


Does it hurt? What will I expect it to feel like?
Before treatment a topical anesthetic cream is applied to the treatment area. The anesthetic cream numbs the skin and makes the treatment almost painless. You may experience some sensitivity, particularly around the eyes. People who experience the treatment say that it feels like their skin is being rubbed with fine sandpaper, others describe the feeling of an electronic toothbrush being moved across your skin.


What is the recommended maintenance regime?
Each micro needling course is different, depending upon you the client. We suggest that a typical course is 1 session every 3-4 weeks for 4-6 months. You can expect to continue seeing results for up to 6 – 8 months after the last treatment as your skins’ matrix regrows new collagen.


I have just had fillers and/or Botox, can I start a course of RejuvapenTM?
No, you must wait at least 14 days after Botox and 28 days after fillers before you can commence a RejuvapenTM micro needling session.


How long after the treatment do I have to wait to wear makeup?
You can return to your regular makeup routine after 2-3 days, at which point your skin will appear almost normal. You must however continue to use a high factor sunscreen and any topical products specifically recommended by your practitioner. Suitable medical camouflage can be used immediately post treatment.
Your practitioner will discuss with you any concerns you have about returning to your routine makeup regime.